Angel Support Foundation

Menstural Hygiene Management

World menstrual hygiene day is an annual event commemorated 28th May of every year. This year’s theme for World menstrual health and hygiene day is “we need to step up action and investment in menstrual health and hygiene now”. The absence of appropriate sanitary materials to absorb menstrual flow does not only affect female’s reproductive health but their acquisition of education. There is no doubt that educating women brings greater benefits to society, however many factors negatively affect the enrolment and progression of the girl child in school. These factors include poor menstrual hygiene management which could be due to poverty, lack of knowledge on menstrual health and hygiene, limited access to water and sanitation facilities, child marriage and socio-cultural conceptions.

Menstruation, which is indicative of sexual maturation of the female, is rather associated with negativity in several societies sometimes requiring isolation as well as prohibitions from engaging in normal daily activities. Appropriate selection, use and disposal of sanitary materials as well as adequate body cleaning with soap, and seeking suitable diet during menstruation ensure good menstrual health and hygiene. 

It is on these note that Angel Support Foundation in collaboration with other organizations under the umbrella of menstrual health and hygiene management technical working group Benue commemorated world menstrual hygiene day 2021 through a radio program and sensitization of students of Agbenu Bridge College Otukpo

While the sensitization team took off to Otukpo, the other team members were at Radio Benue holding discussions around menstrual hygiene management.The sensitization exercise took place in Agbenu Bridge College were students were converged in the school auditorium, the sessions in the programme were; welcome remarks from the principal of Agbenu Bridge College, good will messages from BENGONET, NEWSAN, GERI and United Purpose, sensitization on puberty, menstruation, importance of menstrual hygiene management, types of menstrual materials and how to use menstrual materials. During the exercise, students shared a lot ofmenstruation myths and taboos that are practiced in their communities. It is therefore important to create more awareness as many still believe in myths and taboos regarding menstruation.